2011 Canadian Taxidermy Competition, Orillia, Ontario
Best In Class and 1st in Professional 2nd In Professional

3rd Place in Professional for Bird 1, Bird 2 and Scenery
2012 Quebec Taxidermy Competition, Drummondville,
Quebec - Professional Division and Ontario
Taxidermy Competition, London, Ontario - Masters Division

2013 Canadian Taxidermy Competition, London, Ontario and
Quebec Taxidermy Competition, Drummondville,
Quebec - Masters Division

Canadian Taxidermy Association
United Taxidermy Association Artisan's Award, Christien Cyrene Award - most artistic 1st Place entry, Public Choice - 1st Place, McKenzie Award for Best Bird, People's Choice for Masters Division, Best All Around Taxidermist, Best Habitat, Best In Class.
Quebec Taxidermy Association
United Taxidermy Association Artisan's Award, Best Habitat, Best All Around Taxidermist, Best In Class.

QTA - Wasco Award - Most Artistic Entry CTA - Safari Club International
2nd Place in Masters Division

CTA - Breakthrough Award UTA - Artisans Award
2014 Canadian Taxidermy Competition, London, Ontario and
Quebec Taxidermy Competition, Quebec
Masters Division

CTA and QTA - 2nd Place CTA and QTA - 2nd Place

CTA and QTA - 2nd Place
United Taxidermy Association Award

CTA - 2nd Place QTA - 2nd Place
2015 Canadian Taxidermy Competition, Toronto, Ontario

First Place Reproduction
2016 Canadian Taxidermy Competition, Toronto, Ontario
Masters Division
CTA - 2nd place & 3rd place CTA - 1st Habitat, 2nd & 3rd Place
CTA - People's Choice, SCI Award, Best In Class, 2 - Firsts & 1 Second
2nd Place & Ducks Unlimited Award
2016 Canadian Taxidermy Competition, Toronto, Ontario
Masters Division

QTA - 2 first's, Breakthrough Award, Best Habitat, McKenzie Best Bird

CTA 2018 - Masters - 2nd score, best in class and
3rd in public's choice
CTA/ATQ 2019 Competitions

2019 Canadian Taxidermy Competition, Toronto, Ontario